What is your definition of happiness?

In the past week I’ve heard multiple times “I’m so happy for you!” from very loving and well-meaning friends.

I found myself to be very triggered by their well wishes because it felt like there were many other things over the years that I have been much more proud of and happy with myself for that no one had ever acknowledged or been "happy for me" about. 

It made me question...

What IS my definition of happiness?

What does happiness mean to me?

Happiness is unique to each of us. 

What is happiness for one person is not necessarily happiness for another. 

Which is why it can be triggering to hear someone say they’re happy for you in regards to something that might not be a part of your definition of happiness. 

Sidenote: lesson I’ve learned this week, before sharing your happiness, as sincere and heartfelt as it might be, take a moment to ask the person you’re speaking with if THEY are actually happy. 

Not only can happiness be unique to us, our own version of happiness can change from year to year, month to month or even day to day. 

Society has its own version of what happiness looks like. And often that shapes our own realities and definitions. 

And in truth, our versions might look VERY different from that if we pause and take the time to ask ourselves and look at the answers written on our hearts. 

It’s important to consistently reconnect to your own desires and what feels aligned for you. 

Here are 5 ways I define happiness for myself

Happiness is progress. Moving in the direction of my goals and dreams each day. 

Happiness is rest. Feeling like I am taking the breaks I need. 

Happiness is connection. Staying in contact with those I love. Being there when people need me. 

Happiness is spaciousness. Having my own time and ability to be in my own energy so that I can be the best version of myself for those I love (myself included). 

Happiness is freedom. Honoring the ebbs and flows of my energy. Being authentically the person I want to be. 

One of my intentions this year is to focus on my own version of happiness. 

In order to know what that version looks like it helps to know where you’ve been and how that’s influenced what the current version of you wants and where you'll go from here.

It’s not always easy. But it's definitely always worth it.

It’s one of the aspects we’ll be diving into in my Vision Board + Intention Setting Masterclass in a couple weeks.

If you’d like to join me, sign up below for the waitlist to be the first to get all the details coming very soon! 

I’d love to hear your version of happiness! Comment below.


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