I’m turning 43!!

This week is birthday week!! My sister and brother-in-law shared a birthday last Saturday, my adopted grandmother's 90th birthday was on Sunday, I had several friends who had birthdays yesterday, and various acquaintances who’ve been sprinkled on other days and MY birthday is on Friday! 🎉🥂🎂

One of these friends reflected on what a blessing it is to get older. To have the privilege to age another year, a privilege many people don’t get.

Since it’s February, I’ve also been teaching a lot of heart-based workshops. While I was teaching one yesterday, we were doing a meditation to deepen the understanding of the connection between the heart and signals that your body gives when something is a yes for you or when something is a no for you.

Afterwards, one of the participants commented that when he heard the word “no” his hands immediately went into his pockets and he looked down at the floor, but there was a smile that went across his face. 

When he heard the word “yes” his body relaxed and he was able to look up, but the smile left his face, almost as though the word “no” is his default, and what his brain is comfortable with whereas “yes” brings up possibility, but also fear and discomfort. (Click below if you'd like to experience a version of the meditation we practiced).

Saying yes, can be scary because it can bring up the possibilities of change, doing things differently, or taking a step into the unknown.

As I reflected on this and the privilege I get to celebrate turning another year older, I started to wonder a few things:

What if I knew that the Universe wants me to have everything that I want?

What if I trust that it is ok to say yes?

What if I allow myself to more fully embrace life and the gift of turning another year older?


Here are some things I’m saying yes to this year:

  • Time

  • Health 

  • Security

  • Good sleep

  • Inner peace 

  • Financial stability

  • Unconditional love

  • Being able to travel

  • Freedom of choice

  • Meaningful connections 

As always, I love when people enjoy my birthday as much as I do, so this Friday, I would love for you to give yourself the gift of saying yes to yourself in some way! 

What is something that you want that you will allow yourself the permission to say yes to?

I would love to hear, so feel free to hit reply, and let me know so I can celebrate with you!

To the guidance of your heart, the privilege of another year and saying yes to your life.


Choose everyday love


Advice from my 100-year old grandmother